Science Tools Corporation
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Questions and Answers

Some typical RFP Questions
Our Responses

arranged by Topic

In the following section we were asked to respond in narrative form to our customer's RFP questions:
Note: This dialogue occurred in July, 2001

Set One

  • Qualifications and Experience
  • Proposed Solution
  • Extensibility, Savings
  • Examples of various customer needs
  • Varied customers, varied requirements

Set Two

  • Short-term or one-time customers
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Tracking of data product requests
  • Workflow management, job scheduling, and dynamic resource allocation
  • Monitoring and quality control

Set Three

  • Security functions
  • Departmental changes to individual users privileges
  • Archived data sets
  • Fault tolerance
  • Support for a variety of distribution media

Set Four

  • Data distribution by electronic means
  • Custom "views" of customers elements and processes
  • Project planning and implementation, system performance and status, external reporting or strategic planning, direction of business
  • Training
  • Maintenance and support philosophies

Set Five

  • Staff during the implementation phase
  • Time line feasibility
  • Cost estimate
  • Extensibility
  • Customized Data-Views

Set Six

  • Compatibility with Legacy Processors
  • Compatibility with new Processors
  • Interfaces with Clients
  • Longevity and Life Cycle
  • Powderhorn Support


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